Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Birthday Tomorrow: 22

Tomorrow I am turning 22 . Unfotrunately, birthdays are always rather dreary occasions for me. For some reason, I always look at them as a reminder if how lonely I am... whether it's because of some of my actions/behavior or for other reasons. But tomorrow I am going to look on the bright side and try to use it as an opportunity to start a new beginning and repair the many things that are broken in my life.

I have dinner with the family and I hope it goes well.

On another note...a friend of mine has repeatedly told me of how alien technology and top secret future predictors have been scientifically proven and that he has read top secret reports proving their existence. I try to explain to him that it is VERY unlikely that an average citizen would have access to top secret knowledge that not even the smartest scientists are aware of. It's so frustrating trying to convince conspiracy theorists... arrgh ! One day I will teach him...

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