Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Life As I Know It

ASH STYMEST (my favorite model in the world)

Several updates on me:

1. The love of my life and I decided it's best if we don't see eachother anymore cause one of us would surely die if we got back together again. We know it for a fact. We have been close many times (ugh...getting arrested in Inglewood was a nightmare) and we have both accepted that our love will never fade but it's best for the both of us right now to maintain some distance... well, a lot of distance. We were the modern day Romeo and Juliet (mixed in with some Bonnie & Clyde). A dynamic duo that worked so well together that we would frequently know what each other were thinking and could read eachother's thoughts through our eyes alone. It's so amazing to have such a strong connection with someone like that atleast once in your life and I worry that I may never find someone like that again, but I know for a fact that her and I cannot continue the thing we once had. Everyone in both of our lives told us repeatedly that we were killing one another and that we were so bad for eachother but we just couldn't stop. We were addicted... to one another.

2. I have started a super intense diet and exercise routine to help lose as much fat/weight as possible. I know I'm already a decent weight but I definitely could stand to lose a few pounds and definitely some fat. I have been doing yoga nad running almost everyday for the last two weeks and I already see some great results. I just need to keep on the right track and eventually I will look like a Dior Homme model. A boy can dream can't he? Breakfast today was a few tablespoons of nonfat greek yogurt, lunch was a piece of chicken breast (that I didn't keep down...whoopsi!), and dinner tonight will hopefully be a few carrot sticks and maybe a salad and lots of water. Gotta shed that weight!!!

3. I have two jobs right now. I am working as crepe chef at the Irvine Spectrum and I am also working as a front desk person at an Urgent Care in Irvine. The Urgent Care is paying me about four more dollars per hour and I like it a lot better there. I would love to do both but the manager at the crepe place is kinda bitchy and won't let me have Saturdays off which is when the Urgent Care will be needing me every week. I am just gonna have to face the music and tell the crepe lady that I'm gonna have to quit if I can't have Saturdays off. That's the only way I'm gonna make this work. I want to do both, but it looks like I'm gonna have to make a choice for one over the other. Going from no jobs and being homeless to having to decide between two jobs. Wow...crazy... never thought I would actually have to turn down a job.

4. I have been clean from heroin for 44 days now. It's crazy how many things have been working out in my life since I got sober. I have been getting free accupuncture, free therapy, free psychiatry, I have two jobs, I have my family back in my life, and I will be getting certified as a lifeguard pretty soon (also for free). Yes, I am still homeless but I'm working my way out of the hole I dug for myself for so many years.

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