I MUST know your secret Mr. Limbaugh... millions of listeners, millions of dollars, enormous amounts of influence and easy access to large amounts of Oxycontin. I really think you and I would get along well. I know you have to keep your sexuality on the 'straight-and-narrow' for all your conservative viewers, but deep down I know you need a little sugar... and I wouldn't mind you as my sugar daddy. I will need daily cash allowance, several credit cards and unlimited access to your pharmaceuticals, but other than that I promise I won't ask for too much! It will be our little secret...
But seriosuly... Rush Limbaugh influences American politics in such a profound manner. People love his ignorant rants and raves, like how he hopes that "everything Obama does fails, because when Obama fails America succeeds." Obama has done a MUCH better job at listening to the majority of the people and reaching across the aisle than Bush. Obama's intelligence level is several orders of magnitude larger than Bush. Obama is a better public speaker than Bush... Bush's command of the English language was laughable and an embarrassment to the great nation of America. Even if you hate black people and those with Muslim-sounding names, you gotta admit that Obama is rather intelligent. That is an undeniable fact.
It amazes me how twisted and wrong the conservative movement has become. Don't get me wrong, I understand wanting 'less government' and allowing the free market and competition to flow freely. However, to compare Obama to Hitler, to denounce his citizenship and his race, to denounce his supporters as raging idiot Nazi sympathizers... now that is just going too far.
As a nation, we need to find some way to get everyone involved and KEEPING them involved in the decades to come. I don't have any suggestions or solutions, but I do think that Obama has done a MUCH BETTER job of this compared to Bush... and as long as there are improvements, we are moving the correct direction.
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