Final score: 45-31 Cal. Woot woot! Oh my god...I never liked football that much in the past but yesterday's game was freaking amazing! I didn't get tickets but I watched it from my frat house with some of the guys (and Alli and Brenda) and I couldn't believe some of the plays that were going on from both sides. And of course I need to give props to the Cal Band cause they are fucking amazing too.
Before the game yesterday I went to Tiburon with James and Abbie. Let me just say it was the best view of the bay I have ever seen. We left around 1 and got there around 1:45 cause they closed the Bay Bridge but it was totally worth it. We saw 2 Ferraris and a Maserati within the first 30 minutes of us getting there (to show you how nice of an area this is!). For lunch we went to this really quaint French cafe where I had a salad of mixed greens, oranges, berries, and a light carb souffle on top. I know... sounds kinda gross but it was so good. For dessert I got an almond cake from this French bakery and Abbie got spumoni gelato. Then we atched the sailboats racing across the bay, got a few nice pictures, shopped in the little boutiques, Abbie got a Free People dress, then we came home and James and I went to watch the game at the lodge! Very successful day all in all.
As for today I think it's just gonna be study, gym, tan, party or some mixture of those. Rae's party's tonight so I wanna look good!
1 comment:
you always look good azeezam. im so happy your eating delicious food, cant wait to be a fatass with you again. JYEAAAAH BOIIII!
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