I had my first lecture of Medical Ethnobotany. today. Basically it's gonna be drugs and the brain but more science and biology related. My professor's opening lecture included him saying. "When I tried opium in Afghanistan," "The psychoactive substances from frogs I experimented with in the Amazon," "I used a variety of coca products where it is legal because the natives use it" and lastly "Marijuana is California's largest cash crop. Obviously it should be legalized. Without a doubt." For a two hour lecture once a week, it's going to be amazing. I plan to try really hard this semester so hopefully it'll be even easier. Drugs need to stay out of my line of sight...much too tempting. I think as long as I do my homework and I'll my studying, THEN I'll engage in a little recreational activities OCCASSIONALLY. It's gotta be something that can never interfere with my life again because last year I fucked up a lot of things in a lot of ways. I'm still really nervous about even trying em again cause I know I'm gonna want to fall right back in to my past habits. Well, hopefully I've learned a little something from last year atleast. Hopefully I'll get some new friends too cause I seem to have lost a lot of my good ones. Some from drugs, others from just being shady asses. Never know...maybe things will all work out with everyone.
fuck them bitches and hoes...na mean? Your professor seems like a straight up G. Dont forget to enlighten me with any lil drug facts that you learn from Mr. G. Miss you oh so dearly cabrone.
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