I haven't updated in awhile, but I decided I really need to start up again. It's a great outlet for my creative energies (I'm awful at art, singing, dancing etc.) and it helps keep me busy. So what has changed, you ask? Well...
I'm living in my hometown, CA with the parents now
I'm working at a high end clothing store
I finished four years at college, but still don't have my degree in biology
I have had two boyfriends since I last blogged (one REALLY sucked the other was AMAZING...)
My new best friend is this amazing girl... you know who you are
College fucking changed my life forever. The things I experienced there will forever affect my outlook on life and the way I interact with the world around me. Drugs, sex, parties, the streets of S.F. ... everything has shaped who I am today in a very profound way. I am not proud of a lot of the things that I have done but I cannot deny them either. I will never be able to erase the past. I plan on blogging about everything that HAS HAPPENED as well as what IS HAPPENING now.
Today is my last day in Honolulu Hawaii and I can't wait to get home to see my girl and tomorrow I get to see this really cute boy and his friend. A new life awaits me in my hometown and I plan to live it up to the fullest. Tell your friends and share my link everywhere you possibly can. I just finished my coffee at starbucks so now I'm off to the gym to work on my body a little...